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2019 NEWS

Sun Hung Kai (Scallywag) Foundation Sailing during December.

Our end of year sailing programs finished with a flurry of activity with 5 days of sailing taking place during the last week of the year. Were it not for the weather, this would have been 6 days.

In all, 15 sailors from 3 groups completed their foundation course with Sailability during the week. For those who want, they may now progress to the next stage which is to complete their HKSF level 1&2  course with the HHYC  Sail Training Centre. 

Amongst these groups are a number of youngsters with considerable potential. We now hope they will take advantage of the opportunities offered to them by Sun Hung Kai and the Scallywag Foundation.

We certainly wish them well in this regard.  


Some of the sailors who received their graduation certicates on 31st December together with their 2 Instructors and Sailability management. Nice hats and thank you Scallywag! 

Not shown are the group who graduated on 26th December. Sorry - we will need to catch up with you later!  

Hong Kong Society for the Blind with Multiple Disabilities - 15th December 

20 sailors joined us for the second of 3 planned sessions. Our volunteers and Instructors were impressed with how this group coped as they were very enthusiatic and extremely positive about their day out sailing.  

Remarkably, their buddy sailors (HKSB volunteers carers, parents, guardians and / or siblings) have picked up the art of sailing very quickly, so much so that on their second outing they were able to sail out and return from the dock without assistance. 


Well done everyone ! We look forward to your next visit in 2020 

Perhaps our first 'Blind Sailing' team will come from this group??  



The Hong Kong Society for the Blind Association 'Buddy Sailors' - what a really great bunch of people they are too! 

Saturday Sailing Group, last sail of the year - 14th December 

A thoroughly enjoyable morning sail was had by all, this being followed by a Christmas Lunch for our regular Saturday Sailing Group.

This group now break until 4th January 2020 - Meantime, have a good holiday everyone!   


ABC Southside Regatta - 30th November & 1st December 

4 of our 2.4mR's entered this weekend's event.

2.4mR race results for Day 1 were as follows:

1st FOO Yuen Wai in 'The Kaplan' HKG 6

2nd PUK Chi Yeung in 'Inspiration' HKG 7

3rd LEUNG Wun Wah in 'Operation Santa Claus ll' HKG 3

As these boats were also competing in Division B against other classes, the overall results for the Division were:

1st FOO Yuen Wai

3rd PUK Chi Yeung

4th LEUNG Wun Wah

Very regretably, the races were abandoned on the second day due to a lack of wind so the Day 1 results represented the final results for the Regatta. 

Well done to all the sailors who took part and to the organisers (ABC) for their hospitality and the organisation of the event. 

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FOO Yuen Wai - 1st in Class and Division B Winner 

PUK Chi Yeung - 2nd in Class & 3rd in Division B

LEUNG Wun Wah - 3rd in Class

& 4th in Division B 

23rd November: 10th Anniversary of Sailability

Unfortunately, our anniversary celebration was postponed due to uncertainties with safety and travel within Hong Kong. 

Nevertheless, we continued with our normal 'Saturday Sailing' program and still had a fun day !!


24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race - Cheque Presentation


An amazing evening given travel difficulties and a more amazing cheque presentation to Sailability of HK$200,000. A huge thank you to the organisers and those donating and supporting the event.  In all, well over HK$1,000,000 raised for distribution to the 5 beneficiary charites. Outstanding! 

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8th November - Lutheran School for the Deaf

13 new sailors aged 15 - 20 years joined our Scallywag Program and went sailing for the first time ever. It was indeed a learning curve for us all as we needed to develop special communication skills which includes some simple signs used internationally. 

Will this group form the first ever deaf sailing team for Hong Kong as it is now a category within World Sailing?

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Kay Rawbone - Podcast Interview with Regina Larko, #Impact Hong Kong

Released 6th November 2019

Listen to Kay talk about Sailability Hong Kong. Click on the link below or copy to your Browser.................


3rd November - Jardine Mindset 

14 new sailors from the Jardine 'Mindset' program (people supported by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong sailed with 10 volunteers from Jardine's. Our thanks also go to the Para Sailors and other Sailability volunteers for their support during the day. 

We look forward to their next visit in January 2020

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31st October - Launch of 'Golden Age' Program

6 Golden Age sailors joined our Golden Age team for a trial sailing day! We are hoping to expand this program in the furture.

27th October - Hong Kong Society for the Blind

20 new sailors with visual impairment and multiple disabilities took to the water during the day. They were supported by parents, siblings, carers, volunteers and HKSB Staff who had trainined with us earlier in prpeparation for this first sail.  

This is a fantastic group to work with and we look forward to their next sailing session in December. 

24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race - 5th & 6th October 2019

36 teams entered this year which included 9 Hansa 303's from Sailability Hong Kong. Good weather and good wind for most of the race but a vicious squall hit at 1.50pm with the race being cut short by 10 minutes so as to get all boats and crews to safety.


Race Winner: Para Warriors 

Charity Cup Winner: Para Warriors

Fastest Lap (on corrected times) - Para Warriors.

Hansa Division Results:

1st Place - Para Warriors (1st Overall) in 'Sun Fish'

2nd Place - Friends of Para Warriors (8th Overall) in Jelly Fish' 

3rd Place - Saturday Sailors (9th Overall) in 'Anchors AWAy'.

Other Hansa 303 entries were from Lok Yi School, TREATS Charity (3 team entries), Jockey Club Sara Roe School and the Sun Hung Kai (Scallywag) Foundation.

Well done to all our Sailability Sailors and all other race participants, volunteers, supporters, race management team, organisers and everyone concerned who helped, particularly when very bad weather suddenly hit the event, just prior to the finish.   

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The Para Warriors team being presented with their awards by the 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race Event Chair Bridget Chan

Back Row L-R:  Bridget Chan; Jacqueline SO; PUK Chi Yueng; LEUNG Wun Wah 

Seated: FOO Yuen Wai


L-R: The HHYC Commodore Don Johnson presenting Richard Blacklaws with the Sailability Event Volunteer Award. Well deserved and thank you Richard.

Launch of 'Anchors AWAy': 5th October 2019

A new Hansa 303 was generously donated to Sailablity Hong Kong by the American Women's Association (AWA). Launched at 1.00pm, the new dinghy was named 'Anchors AWAy' (Clever name and logo this........)

Attended by many guests and 4 representatives from AWA, the boat was christened appropriately and sailed away to the start of the 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race.


Sailed by the Saturday Sailors team, the new dinghy finished the race in 9th position overall and 3rd in the Hansa Class of 9 boats.


Mike Rawbone (R) thanking 4 AWA representatives for their donation just prior to the naming ceremony of 'Anchors AWAy'and the start of the 24 Hour Charity Dinghy Race 


Bart's Bash - Saturday 14th September 2019

Another tremendously successful event held at HHYC. A special thank you to Rob Allen and his organising team together with volunteers from Sailability & HHYC who all gave their support during the day.

46 dinghies of all classes raced in the morning and 43 in the afternoon. These together with the six J80's and keel boats from HHYC, plus another 13 boats taking part at Discovery Bay, saw over 250 sailors take to the water to raise a total of HK$58,800 for 'Sailability Hong Kong'. Thank you to everyone who took part and for giving so generously. It really is appreciated. 

At 1.00pm, the three new Sun Hung Kai (Scallywag) Foundation Hansa 303's were launched. Attended by the Sun Hung Kai, CEO (Mr. Lee), David Witt (skipper of 'Scallywag') & the Chief Financial Officer (Rob Quinliven), plus a crowd of over 100, witnessed the launch and naming ceremony for 'Sun Fish', 'Star Fish' & 'Jelly Fish' before these boats entered the afternoon race.   

Sailability Class Race results were as follows:


Morning Race:  

Hansa 303   1st Leo Purdie & Joel Suarez

                  2nd Alexandra Jones & Joan Calduch Ferran

                  3rd LO Chun Hei & LAU Wing Wai (Lok YI School)


2.4mR         1st PUK Chi Yeung

                  2nd Prowess CAO 

                  3rd FOO Yuen Wai

Afternoon Race:

Hansa 303   1st Alexandra Jones & Joan Calduch Ferran

                  2nd Greig Carruthers & Greg Downes

                  3rd Tomas Ferren & LUK Li Yin

2.4mR         1st FOO Yuen Wai

                 2nd PUK Chi Yeung

                 3rd CHEUNG Eric

Optimists, Pico's, RS Quests also took part with the overall Open Division winners calaculated using the PY system. Congratualtions must go to the Optimist winners of both races, Faber Liauw & Peter Jessop.

Last but certainly not least, Leo Purdy & Joel Saurez finished in 2nd overall place in the morning race sailing a Hansa 303. This was a wonderful achievement given the talent on the water, so many congratulations go to you both.    

Some of the many sailors who took part in the 2019 event and who gave so generously


On the water for the first time and the ribbon cutting ceremony before setting off to race ..........

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Puk Chi Yeung - 1st across the line in the morning race and 1st in class to finish. 2nd in class in the afternoon 

Foo Yuen Wai - 1st in class in the morning & 3rd in the afternoon race.

Alexandra Jones & Joan Caldich Ferran - 

2nd in class in the morning & 1st in the afternoon


Leo Purdie & Joel Suarez - 1st in the morning race and 2nd overall. Just brilliant!

Pity you couldn't race in the afternoon!

Preparing 'Sun Fish'; 'Star Fish'' & 'Jelly Fish' ready for their formal launch

Three new boats donated to us by the Sung Hung Kai (Scallywag) Foundation arrived and were assembled on 11th September 2019.  

The objective of the donation (which will also include the provision of a new Safety  Boat) is to provide under-represented youth of Hong Kong with an opportunity to learn to sail and if they so wish, to then progress to an accredited HKSF level 1 & 2 qualification through the Sail Training Centre at HHYC. 

The fomal launch of the 3 boats will take place at the main Pontoon at 1.00pm on Saturday 14th September, as part of the  Bart's Bash event.


Volunteer Organised Fun Day for Children from St. James' Settlement - Sunday 4th August 2019.

Thanks to Jimmy NG and some 16 Sailability Volunteers of all ages, we were delighted to welcome 19 children plus staff and helpers to a fun packed day at HHYC. This is the 4th year such an event has taken place.

After the awful weather for a few weeks before hand, even the weather turned and was kind to us!

The day included sailing, paddleboarding, a trip on the keel boat 'Born Free' (a big thank you to Ming for that), visiting the beach, lunch out and of course having lots of fun and many smiling faces.       


The St James' Settlement staff very kindly presented Sailability with a Certiciate of thanks at the end of the day - how thoughtful and a very kind gesture. 

Our sincere thanks go to everyone who arranged the event and participating Volunteers who made this such a memorable day.   

Last but certainly not least, thank you to Wah Cheung's Travel & Tourist Bus Co Ltd for providing free transport again and to Thomas for the splendid photographs taken throughout the day both on and off the water.

How very generous of all concerned and we now look forward to the next time.........


Hong Kong Society for the Blind

Sunday 26th May 2019

We welcomed 20 representatives (Staff, Parents,  Siblings and Volunteers) from the Hong Kong Society of the Blind to HHYC, for an introduction to Sailing and what we at Sailability can do for everyone with a disability.

Although the weather was extremely poor, 

some 3 hours indoor theory was followed by an hour or so on the water.


Not deterred by their first ever rather wet sailing experience, they will return for a second session in July this year.

Our thanks to Mark, Paul & Richard for making the best of a very poor day filled with thunder, lightning and little wind! 


Para Worlds - Peurto Sherry, Cadiz, Spain

30th June - 7th July 2019

Event website:


28 Nations participating with 91 sailors and 3 classes of boats taking part. Visiting nations obviously less than previous years - probably due to lack of funding for Para Sailing globally having lost out in the Paralympics.

Final results, 8th July


FOO Yuen Wai, 15th

PUK Chi Yeung, 17th

Hansa 303 Men's Single Handed

LAM Kin Wah, Albert, 33rd place

LIONG Wun Wah, Macau, 30th place

Congratulations to Chi Chian WU    from TPE who ended up in 3rd place in the Hansa 303 Men's Single Handed and for winning the BronzeMedal.  

Chi Chian was introduced to Hansa sailing and World Sailing by Sailability Hong Kong.  He now regularly joins regattas at Hebe Haven and we are so proud of him.

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Team Sheldon Open Dinghy Regatta - HHYC 18th & 19th May 2019

With close to 150 boat entries for this annual event,  the weather was very kind on both days with hot sunshine and good sailing wind. 

Sailors from Sailability took part on the basis of a 2.4mR Ranking Regatta for the Para Worlds in Spain (June 30th / 7th July 2019)

The Liberty class was also sailing. The results for both classes were: 

2.4mR Class - Ranking Regatta

1st - FOO Yuen Wai 

2nd - PUK Chi Yeung 

3rd - LAM Kin Wah, Albert 

Finishing on equal points, 1st and 2nd second places were decided on 'Count Back'. Well done to both of you for a keenly fought competition with 3 wins and 3 second places each !

Liberty Class:


1st - Chi Chian WU (Taiwan) 

2nd - LEUNG Wun Wah

3rd - LEUNG Sylvia 

Well done HHYC and everyone involved in the organisation. 

Our sincere thanks to LUK Ka Shun, Jason (a Sailability Volumteer for the HK Para Sailors) for some amazing action photos taken during the event..........


1st Place 2.4mR: FOO Yuen Wai                2nd Place 2.4mR: PUK Chi Yeung


1st place Liberty - Chi Chian WU from Taiwan.

HHYC Open Day & 'Sun Hung Kai Scallywag Foundation' Launch - 4th May 2019 

A fantastic day on two counts: Firstly just under 1,800 members of the general public visited the club to take part in water based activities. These activities included sailing, kayaking, paddle boarding and if they so wished, just spending money at the car boot sale and other stalls! 

Secondly, the day marked the formal launch of the SHK Scallywag Foundation Initiative aimed at attracting youngsters from unrepresented groups (aged between 7 and 22) to take part in sailing. The latter intiative will introduce non-sailors to the sport via the Sailability fleet of Hansa 303's before they progress to formal level 1 & 2 qualifications (and beyond if they so wish) at HHYC Sail Training Centre. 



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Some of the many volunteers who made the day such a success 

A huge thank you to them all, whether in picture or not!


HKSF Festival of Sport - 23rd & 24th March 2019

Well attended by all the Hong Kong Sailing Clubs and held at HHYC, Sailability entered 2.4mR's and Liberty's in the 'Open' 11 Dinghy Division. 

Windy conditions in an overcast, cloudy and cold rain filled sky saw all our entries complete the races in good time and .....without any breakages! 

Results were as follows: 


1st: PUK Chi Yeung

2nd: FOO Yuen Wai

3rd: LAM Kin Wah, Albert (and good to see you back after your accident!)


1st: CHEUNG Chi Yuk, Eric

2nd: LEUNG Wun Wa

3rd: LEUNG Yuk Chun, Sylvia

Open 11 Division: 

1st: PUK Chi Yeung

2nd: CHEUNG Chi Yuk, Eric

3rd: LEUNG Wun Wa

Great results and keep it going............! 

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PUK Chi Yeung

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Our medal Winners; Presented with medals by Mr. Karl Kwok, Vice President Hong Kong Olympics Association

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Sailors Awards Night - 22nd March 2019

Over 200 sailors, members, family members and staff attended the 2018 awards presentations held at HHYC; these being based upon individual achievements, including  international competitions, during the year.

Sailability Award winners were:

Para Sailor of the year: FOO Yuen Wai

ID Sailor of the Year: Simon Mountain  

Most Improved Sailor: Leo Purdie

Volunteer of the Year: Chan Yuen Wah

School Award: Caritas Lok Yi

Sailing Achievement Awards were presented to:

PUK Chi Yueng & FOO Yuen Wai for their performance at the Hansa World Open Championships held in Hiroshima, Japan (5th & 9th places overall respectively) and for winning Gold medals at the S.E.Asian Para Sailing Championships in December.

Congratulations to all our winners. We now look forward to your achievements this year! 


Next up  - HKSF Festival of Sport................  

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L-R: Ed Tang, FOO Yuen Wai & Catherine Smith

L-R: Kay Rawbone, Simon Mountain & NG Tsz Paul

L-R: Ed Tang, Chan Yuen Wah & NG Tsz Paul

L-R: Kay Rawbone, Leo Purdie & NG Tsz Paul

 Well Done   Everyone!

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Back: L-R: Mike Rawbone, Nalin Jay,

PUK Chi Yueng. Seated:  FOO Yuen Wai 

L-R: Ed Tang, Kwok Wing Hang, Danny (Headmaster Caritas Lok YI School) & NG Tsz Paul


XiWang ll Launch - Saturday 16th March 2019 

We were delighted to welcome representatives from the RHKYC Charity Foundation to the launch of the new Hansa 303 - XiWang ll (the name XiWang in English meaning 'Hope').

As always, there is a story behind this latest addition to the Sailability fleet. The original boat donated to us in 2013 was damaged beyond economic repair during Typhoon Manghut in September 2018 when it was struck by a falling tree.  ​

Ms Bo Lee, a member of the RHKYC, organised a fund raising event ('Bond Night') which ended up raising most of the money and the balance was made up by the RHKYC Charity Foundation, the latter being the original donors of the first 'XiWang' Hansa 303. 

Thank you to them both for their support and generosity.

The boat was sailed away on its first voyage by Puk Chi Yeung, one of the leading Para Sailors in this class (Gold Medal: S E Asian Para Sailing Championships in December 2018 & 5th in the same class - Hansa 303 World Championships, Japan in October of the same year.   

New Download now available on this site:  

"Sailing for Life' An article written about Sailability Hong Kong by Andrew Sheard.


See Policies & Downloads section


L - R: Denis Martinet - Rear Commodore Sailing & RHKYC Charity Foundation; PUK Chi Yeung - Sailability Para sailor; Kay & Mike Rawbone 


RHKYC Race Week: 12th - 17th February 2019

After 5 days of racing in differing weather conditions (fine and dry with flat seas through to overcast Monsoon winds with a really good 'chop' on the last day) our 2.4mR entries this year battled through to gain 3 podium finishes for Sailability Hong Kong. 

Results after 12 races & 2 discards:

1st: PUK Chi Yeung

2nd: FOO Yuen Wai

3rd: LEUNG Wun Wah

Our commiserations go to CHAN Chun Ming  for breaking a mast on race 1 on the first day and to LEUNG Wun Wah who did the same before the start of racing on the last day!   

Our thanks go to all at RHKYC for making the event so successful again this year and to ABC & VRC clubs for enabling our sailors and boats to arrive / return from Middle Island. We could not enter without you!

Leisure & Cultural Services Department (LCSD) Disability Awareness Course - 22nd January 2018


Kay Rawbone, acting in her capacity as our RYA Disability Awareness Trainer, coordinated activities for the 12 representatives from LCSD. Supported by the Sailability Instructors and Volunteers, the event included both indoor training sessions and outdoor activities; including the opportunity to rig, launch and sail in our Hansa 303’s.


Aimed at providing LCSD with a comprehensive understanding of our history, aims and objectives, the course represented the first time we had undertaken training for representatives of a HK Government department.

As always, our thanks got to the Instructors and Volunteers who took part in the day.

L - R: FOO Yuen Wai; PUK Chi Yeung & LEUNG Wun Wah.

Prizes presented by Paul Cheng: Principal Assistant Secretary for Home Affairs (Recreation & Sport) 


© 2018 Sailability Hong Kong

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