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2020 NEWS

Saying goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021


There’s no doubt that the events of the past year have posed major challenges for recreational and competitive sailing, but together we have risen to the challenge.


We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation for your continued support of what Sailability continues to do within the local community of Hong Kong.


Being acknowledged by World Sailing last year as the most advanced club in Asia was the icing on the cake for us all and one that couldn't be acheived without YOU.


Our sincere thanks go to HHYC for providing the most accessible venue in Hong Kong so that we can operate our programs safely, our Partners (Scallywag Foundation), Donors (individuals and corporate), volunteers and instructors for their heroic efforts in this extraordinary year. Last but not least a huge thank you to our Sailors, schools, NGOs and organisation who sail with us and without whom we would not have Sailability Hong Kong.


As 2020 comes to a close, we are optimistically looking forward to a successful season's sailing next year, and with your support we will continue to work hard to maintain and grow participation and membership to recover the sport with many new and innovative programs as well as many new groups joining us.  


COVID-19 - Programs suspended again!


As we sadly suspended programs again on 5th December 2020 as tighter restrictions were implemented due to the 4th COVID wave, we are delighted to report that during November the following numbers of sailors joined our programs:


Para Sailing Team training - 49 - all with disability

Tier 2 Para Sailing - 8 - all with disability includes 2 new sailors

Saturday Sailing - 53 all with disability (includes 3 new)

Teacher / volunteering training to Level1&2 - 12 (all without disability)

Scallywag Program Sailing Sessions - 25 (14 with disability + 11 Ethnic Minority)

School sailing - 114 (57 with disability)

NGOs sailing - 103 (51 with disability)

Golden Age - 8 (1 with disability)


Total sailing 372 - includes 233 with disability


Sailability Giving Trees 2020


We felt with the challenges of this year for us all that we would like to give something back to Hebe Haven Yacht Club and its members as a thank you for the support shown to us since 2009. Christmas is a time for giving so this seemed a very apt way to give back.

We had lots of support for this project and had enough decorations for the two trees at the club with the one in the restaurant being donated by Wah King Garden Centre in Sai Kung.  Thank you Sean for your support - it looked brilliant.

All the decorations were handmade by various schools, NGOs and individuals who join us regularly throughout the year.  Every item is unique as are those who helped to make them.  As we strive to make sailing ‘Accessible to EVERYONE’ we also strive to be inclusive in all we do.

Special Thank You’s to:

Caritas Lok Yi School

Hong Kong Society for the Blind

Haven of Hope Sunniside School

Jockey Club Sarah Roe School

Tsui Lam Sunnyhill School

Kai Oi School

Mental Health Authority Hong Kong

+ many other individual supporters and crafters we encouraged to join this project.

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ABC South Side Regatta – 28th & 29th November 2020


Big Congratulations to Foo Yuen Wai and Puk Chi Yeung who came first and second in the 2.4mRs  at the Southside Regatta at Middle Island.  The Para Team were this year joined by Fred, a volunteer, who has become a regular Sunday volunteer and sailor with the team.  Fred joined them as they sailed the boats from HHYC to ABC Middle Island for the race – a mere 5.5hours, competed in the race with the team and then sailed back with them a few days later (6.5hours).  Fred now has the 2.4mR bug and will join the team for RHKYC’s Hong Kong Race week.  The team needs to watch out – Fred is out to beat you.!!!


Here they are  receiving their winners certificates from ABC Commodore Chris Pooley and Richard Knight, Middle Island Sports and Recreation Manager and a photo of the team at Middle Island.


Well done and a nice job all round everyone! 

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Southside Regatta 2020 Sailability Team.

15th Nov 2020 - TREATS inclusive mini race day! ⛵️⛵️⛵️

When the 24-hour annual dinghy race was postponed this year TREATS decided to hold an inclusive Mini Race Day which took place on 15th November.

The Day started off with an Opening Ceremony. Kris Tong the TREATS Executive Director made a welcome speech and then 5 VIP’s including our very own Kay Rawbone sounded the horn to start off the race day. 📯📯

There were 11 boats on the water and 5 races. TREATS staff and volunteers sailed with SEN students while teachers and parents watched the racing from safety boats.

After the racing everyone enjoyed lunch in the Garden Bar and presentations to the winners. All sailors received a momento and Sailability received a thank you plaque. Sailability presented TREATS with a Sailability Burgee (which is a special kind of flag). 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈

All round a great day and a great race - lots of happy smiling faces.
TREATS is a HK charity which works for an inclusive society for children and youth who have physical, mental and emotional challenges or disabilities. ❤️❤️.  A great collaboration for the past 8/9 years!!!


A huge thank you to our instructors for their arrangements and planning to make this day the success it was.


今年24小時慈善小艇賽被推遲了,"TREATS親切"決定舉辦一個迷你比賽⛵⛵並於剛剛的星期天舉行了。 當天以開幕式開始, TREATS執行董事Kris Tong致歡迎辭,另外包括Kay Rawbone 在內共5位VIP鳴響了號角讓比賽正式開始❗❗

有11艘小帆共5場比賽。 TREATS和志願者與SEN學生一起航行,而老師和父母在救生艇觀看比賽📸


整天都是美好的一天和舉辦了一場很了不起的比賽,有很多笑臉🥰 🥳 TREATS是一間香港慈善機構,致力於為有身體,精神和情緒方面需要幫助或殘疾的兒童和青少年提供協助

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31st October & 1st November 2020 - HHYC Regatta 2020

You can see all the race results from the weekend's Regatta by clicking on the link.


Well done to PUK Chi Yeung (Para Sailing Team) who won his Hansa class race! 🏅🏅

Sailability HK CEO and co founder Kay Rawbone said "What an amazing weekend it was with so many compliments about what we do at Sailability, the discipline and amazing sailing. Words like awesome were used a lot!"


Many of our new sailors gained winning places which is brilliant! Leo and Joel from Saturday Sailing came first in the Hansa Doubles and Greg Downes, a volunteer, was 3rd in the 2.4mRs.  We also had the oldest competing sailor in the race - how amazing and inclusive are we!!!  


To our sponsors, and those who sailed, volunteered and also to our Media Team for the amazing coverage on FB & IG on a daily basis "thank you", your support means so much. What we have together really is a family." ❤️

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30th October 2020 - a T3 and the Art Show in aid of Sailability still goes on!!

A huge thank you to Stephanie Waegemans for organising this Art Show and Auction for Sailability.  Wonderful artwork on sale - such talent on show, during a very blustery day.  

Also on sale were Sailability Masks which had been made by Julie Murphy & Sara Houghton.   We sold 100 on the Friday of the Art Show and the following weekend - amazing.

A total of HK$16,000+ was raised from the two in one event.  A huge thank you from us all.

8th October 2020 - Webinar - Sailability HK supporting the re-instatement of sailing in the Paralympic Games

With the support of one of our sponsors Holman, Fenwick, Willan HK, our co founder Kay Rawbone co-hosted this international webinar and spoke passionately and asked questions to Hannah Stodel from GB and Jovin Tan from Singapore who have both sailed and won in the Paralympics.

After the 2016 Paralympics sailing was dropped because not enough countries were regularly taking part in international sailing, and as we know sailing can be expensive.

"Since then good progress has been made to increase the number of participating countries, and more work is needed to ensure the participation of these new sailing countries is sustained", said Hannah who added that, "joining your local sailing club or supporting a Sailability group is a great way to support the sport at the grass roots".

Jovin Tan told the webinar that "sailing has made me a better, more confident person."

The event was a HFW community event and was chaired by HFW partner, William MacLachlan. 

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1st October 2020 - a public holiday for some but not for us!

A great day was had by a new group joining us from the Hong Kong Brain Injury Youth (HKBIY) - a privately funded event and a huge thank you to the sponsors.


A group of 5 new sailors came along to experience their first sail.  They were joined by their parents and siblings and 2 other sailors from the Association who sailed with us last year.  As always Sailability Volunteers came out in force - we had 10 join us on that day, to ensure all went smoothly with a number of the sailors needing to use the hoist to transfer from their wheelchairs into our dinghies and the Safety Boat, for another first time experience, at a 'slightly' faster speed!


26th September 2020 - our longest sailing program, Saturday Sailing, restarts after another COVID -19 shutdown

Sailors, parents, carers and volunteers were all very happy to see the restart of this iconic program.  It's the one we started with way back in 2009 and two of our original sailors Alexandra and Greig are there every week with their friends.  You should come and join us one week to see what fun our sailing sessions can be.

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13th September 2020 - a busy day again

Para Sailing Team back to regular training with Ed at the Helm (at least on the Safety Boat) and they were joined for a second day by Fred one of our regular Saturday Sailing Volunteers. They are obviously getting into shape for the upcoming HHYC Regatta at the end of October!


Scallywag Program - parents and sailors joined for another enjoyable day on the water with lots of smiling faces welcoming back what has become their favourite sport.  Well done again Paul and Team for a great day out and the weather was good too.


Finally, we had a spot on RTHK Radio 1's program looking at 'Care for the Disabled'.  We have already received interest from new Volunteers.  Well done to Paul one of our Volunteers for leading this.


What a great weekend to celebrate being back on the water

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12th September 2020


TREATS staff and volunteers start an HKSF Level 1&2 course to equip them with more skills when they join their annual sailing programs with Sailability each year. 


Volunteer Training Morning

This morning a group of 15 Sailability volunteers met for a training day. Kay led the opening session on working with people with special needs followed by training how to prepare and rig a Hansa, then launching and recovery of the boats.  That's a lot for one morning! But our “old volunteers” expertly communicated the step by step approach to volunteers who were all at different skill and experience levels.  Three boats then went out for a quick sail before the weather turned in the afternoon.

It was great to be back, chatting, joking and enjoying the "family" friendship which is such a strong part of Sailability Hong Kong. Several times people mentioned "this was how Mike did it" or "that was how Mike taught us to do it". Long may his legacy live on!


昨天早上,一群帆船志願者參加了義工培訓日。由Kay 揭閞序幕,在再次起航之前她引領大家在特別要求上如何準備及操作Hansa帆船。這在早上也花了很多時間啊❗舊有的義工熟練地向具有不同技能和經驗水平的志願者一步一步地傳達相關訊息,然後三艘帆船在下午天氣轉壞之前快速起航

回來後聊天、開玩笑、享受"家庭"般的友誼, 是香港"航能"重要的一環, 這太棒了❗好幾次他們也說出 "Mike是這樣做的" "是Mike教我們這麼做的" 願他留給我們的東西一直保存下去


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Back Sailing - 6th September 2020

After yet another break in our programs since 15th July 2020 we are back on the water. 

First to do this were 3 adults with disability who last sailed on 12th July in their first ever race.  Check out a video of their first race day on our FB page.


Para Sailing to restart on 9th September and all other programs will begin from 13th September.  Please contact us at / for more information about our programs.

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With great sadness we announce that our Co-founder & Chairman Mike Rawbone  passed away very suddently on Monday, 3rd August 2020. 


Many, many thanks for all the cards and tributes sent in memory of Mike and also for the donations which are still coming in to support his legacy.  

If you would like to make a donation please go to our donation page and you can choose where you would like your donation to be used. 


Going forward, Mike's legacy will of course continue and we will make him so very proud.  Thank you all so much as always for your support -  Kay

July - Getting to know our sailors

This is the first of a number of our sailor profiles. Please meet Herbert Spedding:

"My name is Herbert, and I will start ninth grade at Chi Lin  Buddhist Secondary School in September this year. I love painting as it allows me to express, record everyday memories through my paintbrush.


 Although I struggle in speech expression, personality control, and social skills, last June, I participated in the sailing training organized by the Hong Kong Scallywag Project. Our instructor, Paul Sir, is an incredibly patient teacher. Given my circumstances and struggles, along with the other participants, he was a very patient and tolerant instructor when teaching us about sailing. Throughout the program,  Paul Sir has taught us different components of sailing such as safety precautions whilst on water,  loading, receiving, wind direction, and controlling of the sailing boat.  As a person who has never been near water at a young age and gets nervous around water, Paul Sir and this program has transformed me into an active, confident sailor. During the training, I thought I would give up halfway due to the blistering heat and hard work required. However, I fell in love with sailing in the end". 

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July update

We may be closed for sailing at the moment but we have not gone to sleep and are busy planning for the future and better times. 

Amongst our plans, we are looking at how me might support other groups with additonal 'well being' programs. More on this later.   

Meantime - check out our FB pages for news one of our sailors - with many more to follow


Sailability Hong Kong can show you how....





July 15th - Covid-19 Shutdown of Sailing and water based activities. 

We are again closed down until further notice due to the need for greater social distancing and the recent outbreak of new cases in HK. We will keep you posted in line with Government guidelines.  

Master Mariners Challenge - 6th September

The next major event we have planned is the Master Mariners Challenge where we will put this group to the test.  

They maybe fine in tankers, bulk carriers and container vessels but how they in Hansa 303's?  We shall see............

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Day 3 of Hebe Summer Sailing Dinghy Race Series - Sunday 12th July

The results after 9 races for the 2.4mR's are as follows: 

1st - FOO Yuen Wai with 9 points

2nd - PUK Chi Yeung with 15 points

3rd - Virgile BETRAND with 19 points

Results for the Hansa Liberty fleet after 9 races are:

1st - LEUNG Wun Wa with 8 points  

2nd - LEUNG Yuk Chun, Sylvia with 13 points

3rd - WONG Haunting, Tommy with 21 points 

Results for the Hansa 303 class after 4 races are: 

1st - POON Chi Ming with 4 points

2nd - TANG Chi Shing with 8 points

3rd - HOI Cheung Ting with 10 points

Well done to all the sailors.


It was good to see our Hansa 303's take part in this series for the first time, particularly as all who took part were relatively new Para sailors.    

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5th July - Hong Kong Society for the Blind (HKSB)

This is the 3rd Visit of the HKSB to Sailability. We welcomed them back and passed on our congratulations for the succesful launch of their musical video -  

Song in Chinese with English sub-titles

Thank you to Instructor Paul and to Ryan, Tommy, Vincent and Sunny Ling - our safety boat drivers and volunteers.


Beautiful weather with sun, wind and a good sea.


We now look forward to their next visit later in the year. 


......and after sailing, we had our own version of their song acappela

4th July - 5th Graduation of Scallywag Sailors

Our 5th Graduation ceremony took place in the most wonderful sailing conditions - sun, kind seas and plenty of wind. What more can you ask! 

Mike Rawbone presented certificates on behalf of Sun Hung Kai to all the sailors.  All 6 will now progress to HKSF level 1&2 qualifications. 

Congratulations go to Somawia for coming fist in the afternoon final races! Your prize awaits you next time you are here! 

Thank you Ed (the Coach) for completing another Scallywag training course with Sailability. 


6 young Scallywag sailors with Coach Ed Tang 


Above - Our Race winner Somawia.

Good to beat the boys! 


3rd July - Launch of new Safety Boat.


More on this to follow at a later date  

1st July - Scallywag Program & ADS 3 Graduation

Another 5 sailors graduated today and completed their course with Sailability Hong Kong. Certificates were presented by Rowan Logan on behalf of the Sun Hung Kai (Scallywag) Program. 

Well done to each of them. We hope you keep sailing and we see you at HHYC  in the future. 


28th June - Day 2 of Hebe Summer Dinghy Race Series

& Results after 6 Races & 1 discard so far: 

2.4mR Class 

FOO Yuen Wai - 1st Place with 6 points 

PUK Chi Yeueng - 2nd Place with 9 points

SO Jacqueline - 3rd Place with 16 points

Liberty Class

LEUNG Wun Wah - 1st Place with 7 points

LEUNG Yuk Chun, Sylvia - 2nd Place with 10 points

WONG Haunting, Tommy - 3rd place with 17 points

A huge well done to LEUNG Yuk Chun, Sylvia for surviving a huge collision not to mention a rather large hole in the side of a Liberty (Songbird) and still managing to complete the race with a hull half full of water! 

Below: 'Songbird', after being hit amidships and badly holed by a 2.4mR (with steering gear failure), being rescued before it sank further into local waters ...... 


Congratulations also to WONG Haunting, Tommy for completing his first ever race series in a Liberty (Swire Flyer ll) and gaining a third, and two first places in the first three races of his sailing career. (Tommy did not take part in the first 3 races of the series)


28th June - Scallywag Program & ASD 4 Graduation 


6 young sailors from the 'Lewis' Program completed their sailing course with Sailability and were presented with Certificates by Rob Quinlivan of behalf of the Sun Hung Kai (Scallywag) Program.


At least 2 of this group will now transfer to HHYC for the completion of their HKSF level 1 & 2.



14th June - Day 1 of Hebe Summer Dinghy Race Series: 32 boats in all

HHYC arranged the 1st race series of the year. Sailability entered 5 of the 2.4mR's and 2 x Hansa Liberty's. Given the weather was the aftermath of tropical cyclone 'NURI', it was a better than expected turn out so well done to all for braving the elements and heavy showers.  

4 races were held. 2.4mR results: FOO Yuen Wai (1st place overall); PUK Chi Yeung (2nd) and SO Jacqueline (3rd).

The winner of the Liberty class was LEUNG Yuk Chun, Sylvia.    

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13th June 

Due to the T1 bad weather warning and the approaching Tropical Cyclone, Saturday sailing was cancelled yet again. The 3rd week running.

Adult Scallywag sailors from our Ethnic Community did manage to get out on the water before the T3 was announced so all was not lost. This was their second day of sailing and given the potential for high winds, the Coach quite rightly restricted the available sail area on each boat.  

June 7th 

................and on a lighter note, we are very pleased to show where our boats and sailors have been during the Covid-19 lock down!! Both drawings / painting have been done by a 14 year with Autism who sails with us. Herbert does each drawing from memory but remarkably, he gets the sail numbers / boat names correct each time.............even the GBR boat!  

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Change of Name Announcement:  

Hebe Haven Sailability Trust has marketed itself as ‘Sailability Hong Kong’ since its inception in 2009.  The Trust is an incorporated business which has, on occasion, required clarification with donors and other parties.

The Trustees have, for some time, considered it would be better to form a limited company to mirror how we market ourselves.  We would now confirm that this has now taken place with an effective date of 1st April 2020, and our new identity is ‘Sailability Hong Kong Limited’.  This company was incorporated some time ago but was not activated until charitable status under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance had been obtained.

The Inland Revenue has now granted charitable status to the new company and the mission and objectives of the new company are the same as those we developed for the Trust.

The Directors of the Company remain the same as the Trustees of the Trust save that we are pleased to announce the appointment of Cramond Wong to the Board, effective 1st April 2020.  As many of you will know, Cramond runs his own Events and Exhibition business here in Hong Kong and he is also a member of both HHYC and RHKYC.


Henceforth we will no longer be called ‘Hebe Haven Sailability Trust’ and will now be called 'Sailability Hong Kong Limited'.  The Trust’s assets and liabilities are in the process of being transferred to the Company and the process will be completed shortly.  In the meantime, we will still accept donations made out to Hebe Haven Sailability Trust until new bank accounts for Sailability Hong Kong are fully operational.


For and behalf of Sailability Hong Kong Limited

Mike A Rawbone

Co-founder and Chairman

Launch of 'Bits & Pieces' - the first of 3 renovated Enterprises. 

In spite of a major thunderstorm and inbetween periods of lightening and heavy rain, a brief launching ceremony took place at 11.30am on Saturday 30th May 2020 - with a wind speed of what seemed to be - 0.5 knot !! 

Sailors who braved the elements included NG Tsz Cheung, Paul (our volunteer of the year in 2019) Peter Danielsson & Joan Calduch. Brave lads those but sensible too as they didn't venture far from the pontoons! 

Despite the weather, the event was attended by many of those who have worked towards the repair and renovation of this lovely sailing dinghy and people who have donated parts. This boat is now HKG 21872 and we are infomed this was originally the sail number of a wooden Enterprise; long since sailed to the scrapyard in the sky.  

Our thanks go to all those who contributed time and above all parts and sails. 

By the way. we still need a mast and 2 booms and a lot of parts for the two other two boats we are renovating!

Last but not least - We are also looking for sponsors to help us pay for the repair and new Gel Coat finishes on both hulls. 

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Re-start of Para sailing - Sunday 10th May 

Welcome back to the Para Sailors today! It's been a while........


7 took to the water today  and it was so good to see their enthusiasm and happy faces after a 16 week break.  

Sailing the Hansa 303's is just part of their training sylabus as like the 2.4mR, they are a paralympic class too. "Who cares what it is - it just gets us back on the water" commented one.

Welcome back Ed (coach) and all the sailors.


Re-start of Sailing - Saturday 9th May


We were all so pleased to get back on the water after a 16 week absence.  


In support of the Government relaxed guidelines for Covid-19, we formed 2 teams of 8 (which included the Instructors & Volunteers) so as to ensure social distancing.  This plan seemed to work well and we will increase the number of teams as we go forward to 4. These will be 3 teams to sail and another team of volunteers to continue with the work of renovating our 3 Enterprises. 

Well done to all concerned for getting back in the swing of things and as usual, our thanks to the Instructors and Volunteers.

Our Para Sailors will re-start thier coaching sessions tomorrow - Sunday 10th May.


Sailor Awards 2019 - April 1st 

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2019 Sailor Award categories. These would normally be presented at the Sailors Award evening celebrations but given the current COVID-19 lock down and precautions, the cups and medals will be presented to the winners later in the year:  

Para Sailor of the Year: FOO Yuen Wai

Most Improved Para Sailor of the Year: CHEUNG Chi Lik, Eric

SEN Sailor of the Year: Ms Alexandra Jones

Most Improved SEN Sailor of the Year: CHUN  Nok Ching, Edward

School Of the Year: Jockey Club Sarah Roe

Sailability Volunteer of the Year: NG Tsz Chung, Paul

The Sun Hung Kai Foundation (Scallywag) Sailor of the Year): WONG Haunting, Tommy 

Congratulations to all winners. We look forward to recognising you more publically in due course...............

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 28th March - Enterprise No 3 Found ! 


With thanks to our Volunteer NG Tsz Chung, Paul - a 3rd Enterprise was located at Chinese University Water Sports Centre. Paul traced the owner and learned that the boat was no longer being used and was available to the charity should we want it! Thank you very much Mr Lo - all donations to Sailability are gratefully received and this one especially as it represents the 3rd boat we have and the formation of an Enterprise 'class' within 'Sailability Hong Kong'. 

The boat is actually complete. It needs a few small repairs and a new paint job so it is likely this one will be sailing before the earlier 2nd Enterprise find which needs a lot more work (See below). 


At HHYC and parked next to our first (already renovated) Enterprise


And with many thanks due to our Volunteers and various generous donors we are managing to spend our time constructively during the Covid-19 lock down

Kay Patterson, a GenCom member from HHYC found a dumped 'Enterprise' in the Country Park and has since donated this to Sailability (the boat was probably built c1980'ish era but unfortunately no traces of a sail number were found). In a very bad condition, it needed a hole in the floor repaired, a complete new set of thwarts, replacement seats, a new forward bulkhead, lifting handles , spars, sails, rigging, rudder & tiller and many other parts not to mention a completely new paint job.     


When found:                                                                                                                 After hull repairs & Painting:




The boat is now being re-assembled after repair and painting and thanks to many part donors (which came to us via our FaceBook page) will be sailing soon. Nearly forgot - the boat had been named by Kay as 'Bits & Pieces'.  What else I hear you say..........

Oh Yes.....................Thanks to Andy Service we found another dumped boat in Tai Po. This is in a worse condition than the first Enterprise has now become a renovation project for our Volunteers many of whom sailed in these boats years ago and who now want to sail them again. Same basic needs as the first boat- except this one has 2 holes in the hull !  Our sincere thanks also to Chris Lau at Little Palm Beech for donating 3 sets of sails, many spares and a jib pole for this boat. Most urgent needs now are to find the spars and rigging...........



When first found on a dump - Sept 2018.j

Renovation of Hansa 303's January & February 2020

We have also taken the opportunity to have our 5 oldest Hansa 303's (those delivered to us in 2010 -11) repaired and renovated. Some of the damage was caused by Typhoon Hato but most has just resulting from continual usuage, UV damage and very fair wear & tear over the years.


The funding for these repairs plus a few other replacement parts and sails was made possible by the Donation from the 2019 Arbitrators Ball - our sincere thanks to them again. 

Hopefully, the renovations will give us another few good years sailing in these popular dinghies. 


Tuesday 28th January - Scallywag Groups

2 Groups of Scallywag sailors took to the water today. Luckily, they have sailed with us before as it was quite blustery out there not to mention - cold.

Thank you to our Volunteers and Instructors for their support and to Kay for the Chinese New Year red packets and the cake!   


Sunday 5th January - Jardine Mindset

Our second sailing day with this enthusiastic group. Another 24 people from Mindset made up of sailors, helpers and volunteers join our team for their first day of sailing.   Many said they would like to come back again and join a course!

Saturday 4th January started our new year of sailing with 12 sailors taking to the water for another fun day out on the water. Good weather, sun and wind! A good omen for the coming year we hope.... 

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© 2018 Sailability Hong Kong

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