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Please Support Us!


Hong Kong based Corporate sponsors, other charities and various other suporting organisations have enabled us to grow our fleet of sailing dinghies to 28 plus 3 safety boats.


Our dinghy fleet is now somewhat old and we need to start replacing them in order to stay competitive internationally and/or to reduce our maintenance costs. The latter has now become a major headache. Additionally and to meet increased demand from the general public, we need another 3 boats - the Hansa 303's and the new Paralympic class.


The annual insurance costs are over HK$150,000



Annual maintenance costs exceed HK150,000 for dinghies alone and our safety boats another HK$60,000



New Sails:

The Hong Kong climate is very unkind! Sails last about 2 years and have to be replaced. With 28 boats and a cost of some HK$3,000 - 5,000 per set dependent upon class, this represents a huge outlay. 

Thank You!!

There are numerous ways you (or your company /organisation) can help us:

  • A direct payment to us either by Cheque made out to 'Hebe Haven Sailability Trust' and sent to us at our contact address or by direct bank transfer to our bank savings account at Standard Chartered Bank in Hong Kong a/c no: 972-1-025449-9

  • By holding a fund raising event

  • Sponsor a sailing event in Hong Kong or internationally

  • Become a clothing / team sponsor 

  • Become a Volunteer or if you hold a current PVOL licence you could help as a Safety Boat driver

  • Are you a qualified sailing Instructor? If so you could help with our program activities and school programs

  • If you are practical and can help us maintain our boats and/or safety boats - we'll be very pleased to hear from you! 

  • Donating old records, discs, books, vdeos or unwanted presents so we can sell them on our Charity stall

  • Become a friend of Sailability by donating HK$100 per month. In return you will receive our current design "T" Shirt, lapel badge and car sticker as well as a tax deductable receipt and letter of thanks.

© 2018 Sailability Hong Kong

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